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Activity Forums Major Donors Quick Hits — How to get and keep major donors

  • Quick Hits — How to get and keep major donors

    Posted by Joshua Alcorn on February 7, 2024 at 6:27 pm

    Major donors are the lifeblood of so many organizations. And let’s be honest — we all want MORE major donors. So here are a couple of resources to help you ‘Win, Keep and Lift’ major donors. Feel free to share additional resources in the comments ????

    Two Ways to Define Who Your Major Donors Are — Jim Shapiro walks you through two proven ways to identify your major donors, so you’re spending the right amount of time with the right donor. (While you’re on the NPSC’s YouTube channel, give it a follow!)

    Your Pitch is Killing Your Major Donor Fundraising — Marc Pitman drops by Tactical Thursdays to share a strategy to help give you the courage to ask powerfully. Hint: it ain’t about your pitch deck.

    Veritas Group blog — a must read for any fundraiser who spends any time on major gift fundraising.

    Joshua Alcorn replied 7 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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