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Activity Forums Technology Resources Start Here — Conversation Sparks: Technology Resources

  • Start Here — Conversation Sparks: Technology Resources

    Posted by Joshua Alcorn on February 8, 2024 at 4:51 pm

    There are a TON of nonprofit tech companies and solutions out there. What solutions do you use and LOVE? Here are a couple of questions to get you thinking about what you love (and maybe don’t love) about your tech stack.

    Click the blue button that says REPLY on the right and share your response to one (or both) of the questions below. Then, scroll down and reply to someone’s comment. To do that, hover over a person’s comment and click the reply button (it looks like an arrow curving to the left).

    1. If you were to start a new nonprofit today what’s the one tech solution you absolutely couldn’t live without? It could be a CRM, a donation platform, a messaging platform. Please, don’t say Zoooooom :-).

    2. If you could change one thing about your donation page, what would it be?

    Joshua Alcorn replied 7 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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