Jim Shapiro's Pre-Conference Session — The Missing Middle

  • Jim Shapiro's Pre-Conference Session — The Missing Middle

    Posted by Joshua Alcorn on July 18, 2024 at 9:33 am

    Hey folks! The great Jim Shapiro is doing a Pre-Conference session on July 23rd at 10 am PT, 1 pm ET. This session is just for folks who’ve bought a ticket or the videos to the Conference (so check your email later today for the registration link).

    Jim’s session is called The Missing Middle. He’ll show you how to get major gifts from your current donors who can give more. Think mid-level donors and those major donors you don’t have a real solid relationship with.

    It’s going to be an AWESOME session.

    If you’ve got a question you’d like Jim to answer about mid-level or major donor fundraising, drop it below. I’ll do my best to get him to answer as many questions as possible.

    And if you haven’t bought your ticket or the videos, get on it — you can save $900 if you buy before midnight on Friday, July 19. Click the link below to get your ticket or the videos today!


    Joshua Alcorn replied 1 month, 1 week ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies

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