An ALL REVIEW Episode of TT – This Thursday (August 29)

  • An ALL REVIEW Episode of TT – This Thursday (August 29)

    Posted by Joshua Alcorn on August 26, 2024 at 7:53 am

    Beautiful people! A Very Special TT is coming up this week. The great and knowledgeable @sarah-lundberg and I will be reviewing YOUR fundraising (appeals, e-appeals, newsletters, e-stories, etc.). If you have something you’d like us to review (and this time if you, I am sure you do), please share it here.

    You can attach it to a reply to this post (click reply, then click the attach icon in the bar below the text box). Or you can upload it by going to the ‘Documents’ tab in the TT group and clicking upload.

    LMK if you have any issues with uploading.

    If you’re able to share the full package (appeal/newsletter, outer envelope, reply device) that would help us a lot (and help you, cuz our comments will be more relevant).

    Please have you submissions in by 5 pm PT on Wednesday, August 28, for consideration. We won’t be able to get to all of them, but we’ll review as many as possible.

    THANK YOU! And see you on Thursday!

    Joshua Alcorn replied 2 weeks, 4 days ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies

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