Weekly Challenge (April 8) — Start Here!

  • Weekly Challenge (April 8) — Start Here!

    Posted by Joshua Alcorn on April 8, 2024 at 7:16 am

    This week’s challenge is called ASK & SHARE.

    Two sides to this challenge coin — first, asking for help. And second, sharing your expertise!

    So … ask the community for help!

    Don’t be shy. We all get stuck sometimes. Create a new discussion thread and share a problem you’re facing. It could be a fundraising issue you can’t resolve. Or maybe you’re stuck on something and need a fresh perspective.

    By asking for help, you’ll tap into the wisdom of this amazing community. Everyone of us is a smart, generous person. And we’ve likely faced similar challenges.

    Trust me when I say, we want to support you! Don’t struggle alone when you can get unstuck with help from people who (like you) do this nonprofit thing for a living.

    Not sure what to ask? Maybe your last appeal bombed. Or your email open rates are low. Perhaps you’ve seen a dip in giving and aren’t sure the best way to get your major donors giving to make up the shortfall. Heck, maybe you don’t have enough major donors!

    And don’t limit yourself to actual money-in-the-door issues. Struggling with your CRM? It’s a pretty good bet that someone here is a Certified Ninja™ in your CRM.

    Whatever you’re stuck on, ask!

    The other side of this challenge coin is sharing your expertise.

    You’ve got a LOT to offer folks. As a nonprofit professional, you’ve done a lot and you’ve probably got … opinions … on a bunch of things 🙂

    So look through the discussion board in this Group. Find someone who is stuck and share your knowledge. Each of us has learned from wonderful teachers and mentors. Pay it forward by helping others get unstuck!

    You’ve gained valuable experience over the years. Don’t keep that wisdom to yourself. Jump in and respond to requests for help. Offer advice, tips, and strategies that worked for you. Your expertise can make a huge difference for someone struggling.

    We’re all in this together. When you share your know-how, you strengthen our whole community. So take a few minutes each day to lend a hand. It feels great to help others succeed!

    So, let’s get rolling! What’re you stuck on?

    Joshua Alcorn replied 11 months, 1 week ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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