Day two: Connection Questions

  • Day two: Connection Questions

    Posted by Joshua Alcorn on February 27, 2024 at 12:01 am

    Here we are for the second step in this week’s challenge. It’s based on Beth’s idea of building connection with your donor.

    Pick one of your major donors — ideally the donor is someone who made a gift at the end of last year and who you don’t plan on asking for another gift in the next few months. (Bonus points if it’s the donor you scheduled a coffee with yesterday!)

    Craft three engaging questions to truly get to know what excites your donor. Think of this as a treasure hunt where each question brings you closer to the heart of their passion.

    Here’s why this is such a cool thing to do.

    It’s like unlocking the secret chapters of your donor’s life story. 📖

    You’re not just digging for clues on how to get their support – you’re showing them they matter as part of your cause’s big adventure.

    For you, the savvy fundraiser, it’s a chance to become a better ally to your donors. This isn’t about filling a spreadsheet; it’s about weaving a donor’s dreams into your mission’s tapestry.

    And guess what? The stories you discover may just inspire your next big breakthrough.

    There’s a list below of questions to inspire you.

    Once you’ve written your three, drop them in the comments below!

    • What personal experiences have inspired you to support our cause?
    • Can you share a story about what drew you to our organization initially?
    • How do you envision the impact of your contributions on our community?
    • Are there aspects of our work that resonate with you on a personal level?
    • What are your hopes for the change or progress you’d like to see through your giving?
    • Is there a particular project or initiative of ours that you feel passionate about?
    • How do you prefer to see updates or results about the programs you support?
    • What do you believe is the most pressing issue our organization should focus on?
    • Have you volunteered or worked with organizations similar to ours? What was that experience like?
    • Looking into the future, what legacy would you like your philanthropy to leave?

    PS — Beth’s first Tactical Thursdays was all about major donor discovery questions.  You can check that out here by clicking here.

    Jenny Darlington-Person replied 7 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Jenny Darlington-Person

    February 29, 2024 at 1:09 pm

    I had a meeting set up today, but the donor had to cancel. And we are rescheduling.

    1. What has been your favorite concert experience since 2021?

    2. Would you prefer that we keep most of our concerts in the summer or would you like more spread throughout the year?

    3. How do you prefer to be thanked?

    • Joshua Alcorn

      March 1, 2024 at 8:44 am

      Gah, I’m sorry the meeting was cancelled! Great questions and I love the open ended one about their favorite concert experience!

      • Jenny Darlington-Person

        March 1, 2024 at 5:37 pm

        I’m not worried because it wasn’t about me and she had already reached out to reschedule. (She had another appointment that ran super late.)

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