Wrap up

  • Posted by Joshua Alcorn on March 2, 2024 at 12:30 am

    Congrats on finishing out the Challenge for the week of February 26!

    How’d it go?  What felt easy and what felt hard?  Do you feel more comfortable talking to and conversing with your major donors?  Think ya have a good plan for moving forward with one or two?

    Let me know in the comments.  And if you completed all 5 parts of the challenge, drop a thumbs up emoji in the comments to be entered in the drawing for a free 4 Fundraising Book Bundle!

    Jenny Darlington-Person replied 6 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Jenny Darlington-Person

    March 2, 2024 at 11:17 am

    It is challenging to do all 5 days, but this week I was able to do all of the tasks (just not on the proper days). I regularly find my time being pulled away from me by the priorities of other. I start my day/week with a plan, but I often feel that plan gets disturbed by the interests of board, staff, and others. These challenges are helping me keep fundraising a high priority, even when I’m being pulled in other directions.

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