Weekly Challenge – May 20 – Watch this video!

  • Weekly Challenge – May 20 – Watch this video!

    Posted by Joshua Alcorn on May 17, 2024 at 12:10 pm

    The first thing to do is watch this Tactical Thursdays episode where Steven Screen talks about identifying the kinds of needs your donors like to fund. The actual training is about 20 minutes long. But feel free to watch the full episode, as Steven answers a bunch of good questions in Q&A.

    Once you’ve watched the training, download the worksheet and do the exercises Steven suggests. You should be able to come up with a handful of needs in not a ton of time.

    If you’d like feedback on your needs or are struggling to come up with good ones, use this thread to ask for help and suggestions. And please provide feedback to your peers!

    When we meet on Wednesday (May 20) at 3:30 pm ET, 12:30 pm PT, we’ll use the need you like best to create your fundraising email.

    Ok here’s the link to the TT with Steven.


    Joshua Alcorn replied 3 months, 3 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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