Session ideas?

  • Posted by Joshua Alcorn on February 2, 2024 at 1:15 pm

    There’s a whole lot of awesomeness coming to this year’s Conference. Tamaya is simply beautiful and it’s steeped in a rich culture of storytelling.

    And Chris, Shanon, Marc and the rest of the NPSC team want your help in making this Conference to be even more special.

    So, let’s hear your session ideas.  What topics would you like to see discussed from the stage?  Can’t promise we’ll be able to do all of ’em of course.  But your input and insight is super important.  (And we can turn some of your ideas into episodes of Tactical Thursdays as well!)

    Drop your ideas in the comments below.  And if someone’s got an idea you really like, reply to that person and let us know!

    Joshua Alcorn replied 4 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Laurel Groh

    February 21, 2024 at 9:22 pm

    My favorite sessions (and the reason that I’ve been to so many) are the hands-on, leave-with-something intensives. (This conference is one of my ultimate work-related self care thing that I do. I use it to remind myself that I love fundraising. Having intensives allows me to check things off my to do list, get excited again about things coming up, and also to take a breather before the crazy time that is the end of the year.) One of my dream sessions would be to sit down with Shanon Doolittle map out a calendar of “donor love”. (Yes, I could do this, if I made the time, but Shanon just brings such joy and creativity to the process.) Other session topics: creating a new donor/volunteer journey, the mid-size development department, how to use automations to increase your efficiency without losing your human connection to donors. I also have loved the opening “get excited” sessions each day and missed them this past year. And while I know you didn’t ask this, I prefer not to have sessions that are built around someone’s program or company.

    • Mary R Snyder

      March 1, 2024 at 4:08 pm

      I’m with you Laurel — I’m all in on the hands on intensive style workshops. I want to walk away with a tangible item, plan or list!

  • Jenny Darlington-Person

    March 21, 2024 at 9:19 pm

    A childhood friend recently published a book on 100-word stories. This got me to thinking of how powerful this flash-fiction genre could be if adapted to fundraising. I have been obsessed ever since. I would love to see or present something on this topic.

    • Joshua Alcorn

      March 22, 2024 at 8:49 am

      Oh this is good!

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