Day five: Road map

  • Posted by Joshua Alcorn on March 1, 2024 at 12:15 am

    Alright here we are for the last day of the challenge.  Whew!

    Here’s the plan for today.

    Sketch out a road map 🗺️ for the year to keep in touch with a major donor – maybe the one you scheduled coffee with on Monday.  Or one you’ve got an ask out too.

    Think of it as creating a customized map of your donor’s personal journey with you and your organization.  Include target dates for at least four non-ask conversations over the next 12 months.

    Why do this? Ya gotta work at keeping a good friendship alive. You wouldn’t just call a friend when you need a favor, right? So, mark your calendar for casual check-ins, celebrate seasonal events together, and share the little victories along the way.

    What’s in it for you? Staying in touch makes you more than just a name in your donor’s inbox – it makes you a part of their world.

    It’s not nagging—it’s sharing!

    And who knows, your next chat could lead to their next big gift. Plus, it’s fun to have reasons to celebrate all year long, not just when you need something.

    Once you’ve sketched out the plan, share it in the comments below.  And maybe (if you have time) do this for one or two more of your major donors.

    Jenny Darlington-Person replied 11 months, 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Jenny Darlington-Person

    March 1, 2024 at 5:43 pm

    I decided to pick the one I scheduled a meeting with on Monday because we have lost touch this past year and I want to reconnect with her.

    1. I plan on meeting her at least twice this year. Once now and once in the late summer or fall.

    2. She likes to be kept in the loop, so I am also going to email her with “insider information” as often as I think of it, but at least twice a month or more apart from when we physically meet.

    3. I’ll make a special point of talking to her at any concerts or donor events that she attends.

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